
Ambika Rajyagor

Special Needs Advocate, Feminist, Nature-Lover, and Garlic Bread Enthusiast.

On here, you’ll see the culmination of all of my creative projects— from my personal writings and blogs, to my travel guides, health and self -care tips, and my Community Service Club, Do Good Things Club.

Ganges Gal is more than just me— it’s also a platform for my fellow friends and inspirations to use their voice! Check out my “Featured Writing” page to see their awesome work.

If you’d like to collaborate on a project, check out my small business, Ganges Gal Creative!

I hope you enjoy your visit! There’s really something for everyone on here.

Dear Kobe, From Sid

Dear Kobe,

You were one of my favorite basketball players and also one of the greatest to ever play. You inspired so many kids to pursue their dream in basketball and also influenced kids too. You were a big part of my life because I looked up to you when I played basketball, and you also were a great inspiration to me when you had something wrong with his Achilles. You still never gave up and you played your best. I’m gonna miss you Kobe.
RIP to him and his daughter Gianna and my prayers are out to his family and everyone else’s who died in the crash 💛💜🙏🏽

Thank you,

Siddarth Rajyagor

Dear Kobe, From Ashley

Send Me Your “Dear Kobe” Letter