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Children's Miracle Network

Hii :)

So I was planning on being pretty low-key about this, because if you’ve read my earlier posts, you know how weird I’ve always felt about the way I look, color of my skin, etc. (Dysmorphia is real!! So is scarring childhood bullying!!) But anyways, in an effort to learn more about myself and maybe work on my confidence level— I decided to sign up for a beauty pageant.

The reason why I told you all that incredibly sad-but-true stuff, is because there’s a program that the Miss America Pageant always takes part in, that I really stand for— and that’s to help fundraise for the Children’s Miracle Network. They help local Children’s Hospitals— which as you know, is a cause that’s near and dear to my heart because I grew up in and out of them with my little sister Devika. (Who I always talk about— she’s a supercool, superbly cancer survivor, epilepsy warrior, and all around awesome kid).

Anyways, regardless of whether I win or not, which I’m not really concerned with because I’m really only doing this to learn more about myself and have this experience that my childhood self only dreamed of, I wanted to share the link to my fundraising page to see if any of you are willing to participate. I’m not sure if it keeps going after the pageant, but if it doesn’t, I’ll take this down and post a new link that’s also associated with the Children’s Miracle Network. I have to let you know (because I’m not here trying to be fake) that there is a $100 minimum donation I need to meet to qualify for the competition, but have no fear friends, I was planning on contributing that extra paycheck money to the cause anyway. Any and all funds above that are appreciated, because I’m really just trying to help these kids.

Below is a link to my specific fundraising page: